Lessons from the 2024 VCE Bio exam with Andrew Douch

Clinton Milroy, Chief Marketing Officer

The VCE 2024 Biology exam sparked a range of reactions from students and teachers. So we caught up with Edrolo teacher-presenter Andrew Douch to get his insights on the exam, and advice for how teachers and students can start prepping for the 2025 exam.

The full 40-minute exam debrief interview with Andrew Douch is available on Edrolo for all VCE Biology Daily Practice and Daily Plus subscribers.

Section A - Multiple Choice

The multiple-choice section of the exam was generally predictable and aligned with expectations. Students who had a solid grasp of the fundamental concepts and were familiar with the course content likely found this section manageable. 

Notably, questions related to the immune system proved challenging for many students, with several questions in the 50% success rate range.

Section B - Short Answer

The short answer section presented a mix of familiar and unexpected questions. The first seven questions were largely in line with what students might have anticipated based on previous exams. However, there were some thought-provoking questions that required students to apply their knowledge in new and innovative ways.

One notable example was a question on sympatric speciation in eucalypts. While the study design primarily focuses on howier palms as an example of sympatric speciation, the exam question presented a scenario involving a different group of eucalypts. 

This highlighted the importance of understanding the underlying principles of speciation rather than relying solely on memorizing specific examples. Another example was a question asking students to "state the scientific investigation methodology used to collect the samples of these eucalypts," which many students found difficult as it focused on science skills rather than purely biological content. 

Additionally, a question about genetic diversity between two distinct groups of trees required students to apply their knowledge of natural selection to a specific scenario, rather than simply providing a rote-learned explanation.

Tips for teachers

  • Encourage deep understanding: Emphasise the importance of students developing a deep understanding of biological concepts rather than simply memorising facts and figures.
  • Foster critical thinking: Provide opportunities for students to practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Connect concepts: Help students make connections between different parts of the course and see the bigger picture.
  • Go beyond the study design: While the study design is a valuable guide, encourage students to explore beyond its boundaries and delve deeper into areas of interest.
  • Use the Examiner's Report: The VCAA Examiner's Report is an invaluable resource. Use it to identify common student misconceptions and areas of weakness. Discuss these with students and have them predict what students might have done wrong on specific questions.
  • Incorporate essay-style questions into teaching: Even though the exam may not explicitly require essays, have students practice writing longer, more comprehensive answers to key topics. This will help them develop a deeper understanding and the ability to synthesise information. For example, have them write an essay about C4 photosynthesis and how it compares to other forms of photosynthesis.

Tips for students

  • Don't rely on rote learning: Memorisation alone will not suffice. Strive to understand the underlying principles and apply your knowledge in different contexts.
  • Practice past papers: Familiarise yourself with the exam format and question types by practicing past papers.
  • Think critically: Don't be afraid to think outside the box and approach questions from different angles.
  • Develop a love for biology: A genuine interest in the subject will make your learning experience more enjoyable and rewarding.

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