The journey of a Head of Science to flip things around

Tim Byrne, Leader of Learning of Science, Chevalier College

Having taught in both Western Sydney and more advantaged areas, I have seen firsthand how flipped learning can transform student outcomes - especially in challenging subjects like Physics. Let me share exactly how we went from never achieving Band 6 results to consistently performing above state average in two schools.

What I’m about to outline has helped us achieve:

  • Multiple Band 6 results where previously there were none
  • Consistent performance above state average
  • Improved student engagement and confidence in science
  • Better preparation for high-stakes assessments

So, what is class time for?

There is never enough class time, especially in the senior years. Class time alone is not enough to both explicitly teach concepts, then delve into deep case studies, do experiments, and spend time practicing problems.

Traditionally, we would teach concepts in class, then send students home to do practice problems by themselves. They'd get to step one of a problem and have no idea how to even start. Their homework time was useless - they'd just copy notes thinking that they were studying. 

They didn't get good results.

Traditionally, we'd teach concepts in class, then send students home to do practice problems by themselves. They'd get to step one and have no idea how to even start.

Additionally, the Year 12 exams are evolving significantly. Rather than testing memorisation of formulas and procedures, questions increasingly focus on applying knowledge to unfamiliar situations and real-world contexts, especially across multiple content areas. 

This shift means we need to dedicate even more classroom time to modeling problem-solving approaches and practicing critical thinking skills. When students arrive having already grasped basic concepts through pre-learning, we can focus on developing these higher-order thinking skills that are crucial in truly understanding the subject and flow onto exam success.

Early learnings on making the flip

When Edrolo was fairly new, I started experimenting with it in my classroom. What made it different from other systems is how it aligned perfectly with the flipped learning model I wanted to implement.

I've tried other approaches - teachers recording themselves giving lessons, searching the web for YouTube videos and posting on Google Classroom - but Edrolo's structured, syllabus-aligned content made the difference. It saved me significant amounts of time and left me confident that all the dot points would be covered.

I’ve tried other resources and systems too - they can be great for revision, but Edrolo is the only system I’ve seen with the depth - so my students can cover the theory and concepts they need, for this to really work.

The results transformation

Here's what transformed our results: we use Edrolo as a pre-learning tool, not just for revision. This is crucial. When colleagues used it only for revision, their students found it boring, and their students would complain - 'You taught me this already, why am I watching it again?'

Here’s how I do it:

  • Students must watch the Edrolo videos before class - it's non-negotiable
  • I check their self-assessments in Edrolo to gauge understanding before the next class
  • If the class gives themselves low marks, I know to spend more time on those concepts
  • When they're confident, we can move quickly to problem-solving

Because students come to class already familiar with the terminology and basic concepts, our class time is supercharged. Instead of me talking for 40 minutes about a concept, I only need 10. Rather than students frantically trying to copy down notes or diagrams, missing half of what I say, they actually listen. They have notes from the pre-learning, are fully engaged in the explanation and the back and forth of question and answer. We can focus on the “why this happens” rather than “what happens”.

We spend our valuable face-to-face time on what really matters:

  • Bridging concepts and showing real-world applications
  • Working together on complex problems
  • Me modeling my thinking process - 'Here's how I approach this type of question'
  • Group work where students can get stuck and help each other

The results speak for themselves

At my previous school in Western Sydney, we went from struggling to get good science results to achieving above state average - despite being 100 points below the average socioeconomic advantage ranking (ICSEA). Now at Chevalier, where we hadn't achieved above average in Physics for many years, we're now consistently achieving multiple Band 6 results and maintaining above state average yearly.

Source: Chevalier College Science Department records

Why it works

I tell my students that it is my belief that if you have a photographic memory and memorize the entire textbook, you'll get no better than a Band 4. Getting those Band 5s and 6s involves unfamiliar situations, actual thinking and problem-solving. That's what we focus on in class, and that's what makes the difference.

Getting those Band 5s and 6s involves unfamiliar situations, actual thinking and problem-solving. That's what we focus on in class, and that's what makes the difference.

The beauty of using Edrolo for pre-learning is that students can pause, rewind, and review until they understand. If they come to class still confused, that's actually perfect - they know exactly what they need help with. They're already in that 'learning pit' and ready to climb out.

Here’s how you can lift results

By using Edrolo for pre-learning rather than just revision, we've created a system that really works. The key is being strict about the pre-learning - it has to be non-negotiable. High expectations are non-negotiable. 

Once students see how much more they get out of class time when they come prepared, they buy into the system, and you’ll start to see results.

I tell my students: 'Class time is for diving deep and solving problems together. Watching the Edrolo videos and completing the quick quizzes needs to happen before you walk in.’

Here’s my structured approach that maximises both student learning and class time efficiency:

Before Class

  • Students watch assigned Edrolo videos and complete comprehension checks
  • They note down specific questions or unclear concepts
  • I review class-wide performance data to identify focus areas for in-class
  • I prepare targeted examples and activities based on student needs

During Class

  • Quick 5-10 minute review of key concepts from the video as a class
  • Address specific questions identified from pre-learning
  • Spend majority of time on problem-solving and application, including explicit teaching of how to approach complex problems
  • Use collaborative activities to deepen understanding

Getting student buy-in

Initially, getting students to complete the pre-learning consistently was a challenge. The game-changer was showing them how much more they got out of class time when they came prepared.

  • Set clear expectations from day one about pre-learning requirements
  • Use Edrolo's tracking features to monitor engagement
  • Provide regular feedback on pre-learning completion
  • Demonstrate the connection between pre-learning and class success

Taking the first steps

If you're considering implementing flipped learning with Edrolo, here's my recommended approach:

  • Start with one unit or topic to build confidence
  • Familiarize yourself with Edrolo's features and resources
  • Create clear pre-learning routines and expectations
  • Plan engaging in-class activities that build on the pre-learning
  • Use Edrolo's assessment tools to track progress and adjust your approach

Remember, the goal is to use Edrolo for content delivery, freeing up class time for higher-order thinking and problem-solving. This approach not only improves academic outcomes but also helps students develop crucial independent learning skills they'll need for future success.

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